Jerry Garcia
- electric guitar (lead), vocals
Bob Weir
- electric guitar (rhythm), vocals
Phil Lesh
- electric bass
Bill Kreutzmann
- drums, perc
Keith Godchaux
- keyboards
Donna Jean Godchaux
- vocals
Mickey Hart
- drums, perc
Jonestown incident: In Guyana, Jim Jones leads his Peoples Temple cult in a mass murder suicide that claims 918 lives in all, 909 of them at Jonestown itself, including over 270 children. Congressman Leo J. Ryan is assassinated by members of Peoples Temple shortly beforehand.
High: 47.9 °F
Low: 38.0 °F
Feels Like High: 42.9 °F
Feels Like Low: 29.0 °F
Wind Speed: 17.2 mph
Humidity: 72.4 %
Moonphase: 0.63
Clearing in the afternoon.