Jerry Garcia
- electric guitar (lead), vocals
Bob Weir
- electric guitar (rhythm), vocals
Phil Lesh
- electric bass
Bill Kreutzmann
- drums, perc
Keith Godchaux
- keyboards
Donna Jean Godchaux
- vocals
Mickey Hart
- drums, perc
Afterparty sounds like the real gig! "By the postshow party, everyone was in the best of moods, as well as extremely ripped; SNL was one of the very few scenes on the planet that could compete with the Dead for drug abuse. The evening ended at the Blues Brothers Bar, a private club Belushi and Dan Aykroyd owned in the Village, with the 'Stink Band'—Belushi played drums, Hart played bass, Aykroyd blew harp, and after every song, they’d chorus, 'We stink'" (McNally 2002, 522; see also Davis 2009, 146-149; Kreutzmann 2015, 242).