Sue: 4,375 reserved @ 22.50, 6,085 reserved @ $20.50, 5,955 lawn @ $15.50. Tax 7.75%, so NGP of $291,053. Guarantee of $100k vs. 85% net receipts after surcharge, tax, and house expenses of $78,000, production and limos included.
review: [positive] Pratte 1994: more about the venue (positive), but also seemed positive about the show, which was about "jamming for the love of music".
High: 68.1 °F
Low: 53.9 °F
Feels Like High: 68.1 °F
Feels Like Low: 53.9 °F
Wind Speed: 11.4 mph
Humidity: 85.7 %
Moonphase: 0.11
Partly cloudy throughout the day.