1993-11-15 [Mon]

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Jerry Garcia - electric guitar, vocals
John Kahn - electric bass
Melvin Seals - keyboards
David Kemper - drums
Jacklyn LaBranch - vocals
Gloria Jones - vocals
  • Sue: tix $22.50 at capacity 14,757 reserved less 1,006 kills and estimated 300 comps. 0% tax, so net gross potential of $302,647.50. $75k guarantee vs. 80% net box office after taxes and employer's reasonable and actual direct concert expenses as approved by artist, whichever is greater, plus $21,250 estimated for artist-supplied production. Co-pro Don Law.
  • exante: McLennan 19931114
  • review: [positive] McLennan 19931116: he notes that the band had a prepared setlist, but departed with it in closing set I with Deal and adding The Maker after Mid Moon.
  • review: [mildly positive] Cowles 1993
  • expost: Sharuda and King 1994
  • JGMF: The Hypothesis is Wrong - Long Live the Hypothesis!
  • Sources
    High: 77.1 °F
    Low: 53.0 °F
    Feels Like High: 77.1 °F
    Feels Like Low: 53.0 °F
    Wind Speed: 18.3 mph
    Humidity: 71.3 %
    Moonphase: 0.06
    Precipitation: 0.091 in. (rain)
    Partly cloudy throughout the day with rain clearing later.
    7:30 PM
    Ticket Price
    In Attendance