1991-11-13 [Wed]

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Jerry Garcia - electric guitar, vocals
John Kahn - electric bass
Melvin Seals - keyboards
David Kemper - drums
Jacklyn LaBranch - vocals
Gloria Jones - vocals
  • Sue: capacity14,108 @ $21.50, 292 @ $19.50. $60,000 guarantee vs. 80% of net receipts after agreed expenses, on gross potential of $309,016. Production costs $17,500. Band ended up earning over $117k.
  • review: [positive] Morse 19911114: "If the ever-mutating Dead are draining some of Garcia's energy lately, as he has said in recent interviews, then you can see why he's refortified by his solo band. They're a comfortable, even-keeled quintet that played a sublime oldies party for a near-sellout 12,000 fans last night. ... The band is a lighter, more sweetly lyrical forum for Garcia, who avoids space jams in favor of tight, to-the-point soloing and deft rhythm chops. It's the same modus operandi as the Dead: no talking, just music. But it's a smaller band and he has less to compete against."
  • review: [positive] Fusaro 1991;
  • review: [positive] Mutti 1991;
  • JGMF: Morse Codes as Light, Sweet and Lyrical: JGB at the Worcester Centrum, November 13, 1991
  • JGMF: The "Little Cash Cow," Fall 1991 Edition
  • Sources
    High: 47.0 °F
    Low: 33.2 °F
    Feels Like High: 43.1 °F
    Feels Like Low: 32.5 °F
    Wind Speed: 11.4 mph
    Humidity: 77.0 %
    Moonphase: 0.23
    Precipitation: 0.02 in. (rain, snow)
    Cloudy skies throughout the day with morning rain or snow.
    7:30 PM
    Ticket Price
    $19.50 / $21.50
    In Attendance