Jerry Garcia
- electric guitar, vocals
John Kahn
- electric bass
Melvin Seals
- keyboards
David Kemper
- drums
Jacklyn LaBranch
- vocals
Gloria Jones
- vocals
review: Crockett 1989: "When Jerry Garcia bit into his spine-tingling second guitar solo on 'Deal,' churning out crystalline treble notes and raging, clangorous bass tones, the crowd knew it was one of those nights." He notes the band took a bit to warm up, which aligns with JGMF's sense of things as well.
High: 87.2 °F
Low: 65.9 °F
Feels Like High: 92.2 °F
Feels Like Low: 65.9 °F
Wind Speed: 8.1 mph
Humidity: 80.8 %
Moonphase: 0.37
Partly cloudy throughout the day.