Jerry Garcia
- electric guitar, vocals
John Kahn
- electric bass
Melvin Seals
- keyboards
David Kemper
- drums
Jacklyn LaBranch
- vocals
Gloria Jones
- vocals
Venue wiki says capacity would have been 12k at this time, but I show 15k. Sue: $120k guarantee for the two nights, which includes $30k production costs. Light designer Candace Brightman herself was taking home $2,500 a night at this point.
review: [positive] Keyo 1989, noting the band is "way tight".
High: 88.1 °F
Low: 66.8 °F
Feels Like High: 96.9 °F
Feels Like Low: 66.8 °F
Wind Speed: 10.3 mph
Humidity: 81.2 %
Moonphase: 0.34
Partly cloudy throughout the day.