Bobby Vega
- electric bass
Steve Kimock
- electric guitar
John Cipollina
- electric guitar
Martin Fierro
- saxophone, percussion
Lowell Levinger (Banana)
- keyboards
Greg Anton
- drums
Hadi al-Saadoon
- trumpet, percussion
Free afternoon gig before hopping across the Bay to the Greek with the Dead, closing Walk For Freedom. Afternoon gig. Last gig with Merl? Last gig with Cip? Some accounts say 5k, Selvin 19880911 says 20k.
review: Juanis 198810;
review: Badillion 1988.
High: 86.1 °F
Low: 53.9 °F
Feels Like High: 84.0 °F
Feels Like Low: 53.9 °F
Wind Speed: 24.2 mph
Humidity: 61.4 %
Moonphase: 0.09
Clear conditions throughout the day.