Good info in the UMD Archives. Band guarantee $10,500 plus $4,000 production plus all of the difference between $24,310 and actual costs. Somewhat uncommonly, JG himself signed the original contract in the UMD archives, which names Garcia, Kahn, Seals and Errico, but no backing vocalists. 1800 tix at $12.50, with only 450 student tix at $11.50. GP $26,430 before 4.5% tax, leaving net potential of $25,240.65.
The university wrote up a little analysis of the show, which exists in its archives. Beer sales were lower than anticipated. "One reason may be that the people were not a drinking crowd (possibly due to the intake of other drugs)."
Mike Schuncke shares some details he heard from others after the gig "the show was sold out, but students let other students in through a basement window. The Prince Georges County fire marshall deemed it over capacity and would not let people in with tickets during the 1st set. One of the doors was ripped off the building by fans in protest and a small confrontation with police ensured."
review: [positive] Bell 1982.
High: 51.2 °F
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Moonphase: 0.68
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