1982-08-28 [Sat]

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Jerry Garcia - electric guitar (lead), vocals
Bob Weir - electric guitar (rhythm), vocals
Phil Lesh - electric bass
Bill Kreutzmann - drums, perc
Mickey Hart - drums, perc
Brent Mydland - keyboards, vocals
Springfield Creamery Presents the Second Decadenal Field Trip
  • Held at the site of the Oregon Country Fair Grounds. It is NOT the Oregon State Fair Grounds NOR the Oregon County Fair Grounds.
  • gratefulseconds: Veneta II: Dead Return to Kesey's August 28, 1982
  • Sources
    High: 80.9 °F
    Low: 44.0 °F
    Feels Like High: 80.0 °F
    Feels Like Low: 44.0 °F
    Wind Speed: 13.9 mph
    Humidity: 64.8 %
    Moonphase: 0.31
    Partly cloudy throughout the day.
    Show Certainty
    Setlist Certainty
    In Attendance