An attendee, in private correspondence: "No need to sugarcoat it, we all know the score -- that they'd rock through an early show, but by the time the late show came around Garcia and Kahn would be somewhat incapacitated ... This show, 11pm start time, ended at 3:45 in the morning. Basically it went down like this: Dr. John plays a longer set than in the early show (perhaps because Garcia was in no condition to play?), a very long break ensues and eventually JGB takes the stage and sleepwalks through four tunes. Abruptly, Garcia walks off stage after Tore Up prompting a cascade of boos from the crowd - I think about the only time I ever heard Garcia get booed. After several minutes John Scher comes out and announces Garcia is just taking a short break. It wasn't short. Finally, 2:45 am-ish, Garcia returns and manages to play for an hour." Monarch was slapped with a $500 fine for curfew violation.
ref: Billboard, February 28, 1981, p. 32
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Moonphase: 0.31
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