Sue: capacity 2k, $10.50 reserved, GP $21k, $9k guarantee plus $4k production fee plus $1k Monarch fee.
review: [mixed] Lindsay 1981: leads with the "Father of acid rock" trope, knocks Garcia for stretching songs out too long ("the long guitar solos get boring"), thinks that forcing the "dance crowd ... to boogie till they drop" is a bad thing, praises Garcia's intricate leads and calls the band competent. I like the show, especially the acid bath of his solo from 5:40ff (Redman tape) in "Tangled Up In Blue", but that's all fair enough, I guess.
JGMF: August 9th. This advises you to get yourself to about 5:40 into "Tangled Up In Blue" to hear Jerry peel off a note that will sear your face off.
High: 34.1 °F
Low: 17.3 °F
Feels Like High: 28.2 °F
Feels Like Low: 8.0 °F
Wind Speed: 21.7 mph
Humidity: 41.7 %
Moonphase: 0.0
Partly cloudy throughout the day.