1979-01-30 [Tue]

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First known performance of Reconstruction
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Jerry Garcia - electric guitar, vocals
John Kahn - electric bass
Merl Saunders - keyboards, synthesizers, vocals
Ron Stallings - saxophone, vocals
Gaylord Birch - drums, vocals
Ed Neumeister - trombone
Guest Musicians
unidentified-19790130-01 (partial show) - vocals

[1] First known performance last known performance on 1978-10-03 by Merl Saunders Band as guest
[2] With unidentified-19790130-01 on vocals
[3] First known performance
[4] First known performance (by Reconstruction) last known performance on 1978-10-28 by JGB
[5] First known performance (by Reconstruction) last known performance on 1975-07-06 by LOM
  • Ed Neumeister recalled "I had no idea to be honest the following that Jerry had. I showed up for that first gig and there were wall-to-wall people" (Sforzini 2012).
  • There may actually be two female vocalists on "Do I Move You?", doing some big R&B backing work. We imagine it might be one of the ladies credited on Merl's release of his own Jerryless version, recorded 3/3/79. They are Bernetta Rand, Frances Pye, Lynette Stephens Hawkins, Sherlene Hall, Tramaine Hawkins.
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