1976-09-18 [Sat]

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Jerry Garcia - electric guitar, vocals
John Kahn - electric bass
Ron Tutt - drums, vocals
Keith Godchaux - keyboards, vocals
Donna Jean Godchaux - vocals
  • $7,500 guarantee plus 100% over $15,900 on gross potential of $24,000, plus $2k for lights and sound.
  • Data on tickets sold via Raker 1976. According to Stewart 1977, the IC Bureau of Concerts made money on this show. He also reports that the gym can hold a maximum of 4,000, though implies that it is configured for 2,800 capacity for a George Benson show. The gross potential specified in the contract suggests that they had the room in the more capacious configuration for Jerry, i.e., 4,000.
  • ad: Ithacan, September 16, 1976, p. 5;
  • expost: Stewart 1977;
  • expost: Raker 1976;
  • expost: [photo] Ithacan, September 23, 1976, p. 1;
  • Sources
    High: 69.2 °F
    Low: 52.1 °F
    Feels Like High: 69.2 °F
    Feels Like Low: 52.1 °F
    Wind Speed: 11.4 mph
    Humidity: 90.3 %
    Moonphase: 0.83
    Precipitation: 0.012 in. (rain)
    Partly cloudy throughout the day with afternoon rain.
    8:30 PM
    Ticket Price
    $5.00 / $6.00
    In Attendance