Sue: band takes $500 or 80% total gross door receipts. Contract names "Merl Saunders, Jerry Garcia & Friends". Tutt had finished Elvis tour in Memphis the night before and we have long guessed he didn't play this show (because they used JGMS rather than LOM band name). Then a fragment of evidence appeared: One of Rex Jackson and Betty Cantor-Jackson's Legion of Mary 7/6/75 reels was in this box, with scratched out notation reading "Merl & Jerry (Eddie - drums), 6/11/75 reel #4, 15ips 2 trk NM Nagra SL11183". We thought it might be Merl's cousin Eddie Moore and were dissuaded of that somehow. But now that we know he played 6/8/75, we are updating our priors to strong confidence that he played this night as well.
Jim Powell attended and recalls "they played Wicked Messenger and that they played it at a pace significantly faster than any of the Legion of Mary performances on tape. Its pace was much closer to the arrangement they played with Dylan in 87, maybe a little faster -- driven. It was certainly the best performance of that song I ever heard, by Jerry or anybody".
ref: June 1975 Keystone calendar, billing Garcia & Saunders
ad: San Francisco Sunday Examiner and Chronicle Datebook, June 8, 1975, p. 29
mention: Berkeley Independent-Gazette, June 9, 1975, p. 9
listing: San Francisco Examiner, June 10, 1975, p. 33
High: 68.1 °F
Low: 56.0 °F
Feels Like High: 68.1 °F
Feels Like Low: 56.0 °F
Wind Speed: 17.2 mph
Humidity: 77.9 %
Moonphase: 0.07
Partly cloudy throughout the day.