Jerry Garcia
- electric guitar (lead), vocals
Bob Weir
- electric guitar (rhythm), vocals
Phil Lesh
- electric bass, vocals
Ron McKernan
- keyboards, vocals
Keith Godchaux
- keyboards
Bill Kreutzmann
- drums, perc
Donna Jean Godchaux
- vocals
deadsources: May 1972: Paris "The second night at the Olympia was better than the first. There were only 30 or so cops on band - down from 180 the night before - a unique sort of .. review" of the Dead's music and audience when you think about it. Again all 2200 seats were filled. Again the audience crawled forward in a friendly inquisitive Gallic swell, applauding, cheering and chanting .. one more one more one more" at the end of another fourhour- long set. And this time, Jerry Garcia admitted afterward, .. We played peachy."