1964-01-25 [Sat]

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Jerry Garcia - banjo, guitar, vocals
David Nelson - mandolin, vocals
College of San Mateo Folk Festival
  • The program for this event notes that the band will appear with a "mystery guitarist." Eric Thompson was not in California, and Sandy Rothman had not yet joined the band. It is still unclear who played with Jerry and David Nelson.
  • They were billed as The Black Mountain String Band
  • Jerry had met Bob Weir on New Year's Eve and they decided to start a jug band together. In fact, they had, and were rehearsing by this time. There is evidence that Mother McCree's Uptown Jug Champions was going to debut at this event, but evidently they were not ready to go public by this time. McNally cites this as fact because Sara's letter says they would. But they didn't based on other evidence.
  • Steve Ehret performed at this event. He soon formed the rock band Wildflower.
  • lostlivedead: January 25, 1964 Little Theater, College of San Mateo Folk Festival, San Mateo, CA: Black Mountain String Band
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