1993-02-23 [Tue]

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Ornette Coleman - saxophone
Chris Rosenberg - electric guitar
Ken Wessel - electric guitar
Al McDowell - electric bass
Dave Bryant - keyboards
Denardo Coleman - drums
Badal Roy - percussion
Guest Musicians
Jerry Garcia - electric guitar

Three Wishes

Partial Set:
Three Wishes

  • Opening for GD. Chris C: "I was involved with a float at this show so ... I got to see the soundcheck with Ornette and Jerry, and it smoked. They played Three Wishes a few times, and each one was totally different. ... I came in from the tunnels where we were building the floats and no one was around to ask me to leave so I just kept going until I was at the back of the arena. I went to the section directly behind the soundboard, took a seat and enjoyed, keeping a low profile as to not attract the wrong kind of attention. Ornette was doing his thing for a few minutes, then Jerry showed up in his sportjacket and plugged in a started to tune. He played a few lines with Ornette, then it all stopped. Ornette went over to Jerry, they spoke for a few minutes then broke into Three Wishes. They played the song (or parts of it) 3 times over the next 15 minutes. Jerry was all smiles. They finished, Jerry hugged Ornette and the check was over. I went back to work on the float."
  • expost: Larry Kelp, "Night of the Harmolodic Dead," East Bay Express, March 5, 1993, p. 20
  • ref: Billboard, March 13, 1993, p. 24.
  • Sources
    High: 53.9 °F
    Low: 48.8 °F
    Feels Like High: 53.9 °F
    Feels Like Low: 42.6 °F
    Wind Speed: 24.2 mph
    Humidity: 81.4 %
    Moonphase: 0.08
    Partly cloudy throughout the day.
    Ticket Price