Jerry Garcia
- electric guitar, vocals
John Kahn
- electric bass
Melvin Seals
- keyboards
David Kemper
- drums
Jacklyn LaBranch
- vocals
Gloria Jones
- vocals
Regarding Garcia on Broadway personnel, we have not pinned down nights when Kenny Kosek (fiddle) played w JGB, though we know he was not present for 10/28/87a.
ref: Billboard, November 21, 1987, p. 24
Torrents for Date
High: 65.0 °F
Low: 48.8 °F
Feels Like High: 65.0 °F
Feels Like Low: 45.3 °F
Wind Speed: 23.0 mph
Humidity: 68.1 %
Moonphase: 0.07
Partly cloudy throughout the day.