[1] Released on Ragged But Right [2] First performance (by JGAB) last known performance on 1964-03-27 by Black Mountain Boys [3] may have been released on Ragged But Right, but it was played early and late and no ROIs circulate
Regarding Garcia on Broadway personnel, we have not pinned down nights when Kenny Kosek (fiddle) played w JGB, though we know he was not present for 10/28/87a.
ref: Billboard, November 21, 1987, p. 24
High: 61.1 °F
Low: 48.8 °F
Feels Like High: 61.1 °F
Feels Like Low: 42.9 °F
Wind Speed: 26.4 mph
Humidity: 83.8 %
Moonphase: 0.97
Precipitation: 0.063 in. (rain)
Partly cloudy throughout the day with early morning rain.