1987-02-15 [Sun]

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Baba Olatunji - drums
Guest Musicians
Carlos Santana - guitar
Jerry Garcia - guitar, vocals
Bobby Vega - bass
Mickey Hart - drums

Complete Show:
Akiwowo , The Beat Of My Drum , Loyin Loyin , Odun De, Ife L'Oju L'Aiye , Yambela, Fire On The Mountain , unidentified-19870215-01, Se Eni A Fe L'Amo - Kere Kere , Iiere

Also Appearing
Hamza el-Din
  • Montessori Children's House of Petaluma Presents A Benefit For World Music In Schools: Olatunji and His Drums of Passion, featuring Jerry Garcia, Mickey Hart, Carlos Santana, Bobby Vega & Friends. Nick provides the setlist, and notes no JG/guests on Odun De, Yambela, and the unidentified tune.
  • There are a great many musicians on the stage that are not listed, including at times a choir of children. And African dancers perform at the front of the stage during many songs.
  • mention: Golden Road #14 (Summer 1987), p. 6
  • review: [positive] Bammer 1987;
  • Nick: 2/15/87: Drums of Petaluma
  • Sources
    High: 60.2 °F
    Low: 44.0 °F
    Feels Like High: 60.2 °F
    Feels Like Low: 42.3 °F
    Wind Speed: 17.2 mph
    Humidity: 72.6 %
    Moonphase: 0.57
    Precipitation: 0.256 in. (rain)
    Clearing in the afternoon with rain clearing later.
    7:30 PM