1984-11-18 [Sun]

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Jerry Garcia - acoustic guitar, vocals
John Kahn - acoustic bass
Also Appearing
Robert Hunter
  • exante: Lincoln Center Stagebill (November 1984), pp. 25, 27
  • expost: "Deadline: The latest news and rumor control," Golden Road, no. 5 (Winter 1985), p. 6: "there was a near-riot outside as some 60 idiotic Deadheads rushed the doors". WTF, people?
  • Sources
    High: 46.1 °F
    Low: 38.0 °F
    Feels Like High: 42.4 °F
    Feels Like Low: 30.1 °F
    Wind Speed: 16.1 mph
    Humidity: 59.3 %
    Moonphase: 0.85
    Precipitation: 0.074 in. (rain)
    Partly cloudy throughout the day with late afternoon rain.
    8:00 PM
    Ticket Price
    $14.00 / $16.00