1983-12-13 [Tue] Early

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Jerry Garcia - electric guitar, vocals
John Kahn - electric bass
Melvin Seals - keyboards
David Kemper - drums
Jacklyn LaBranch - vocals
DeeDee Dickerson - vocals
Also Appearing
Rick Danko
High: 56.9 °F
Low: 50.1 °F
Feels Like High: 56.9 °F
Feels Like Low: 50.1 °F
Wind Speed: 20.8 mph
Humidity: 98.1 %
Moonphase: 0.3
Precipitation: 1.925 in. (rain)
Cloudy skies throughout the day with a chance of rain throughout the day.
Show Certainty
Setlist Certainty
8:00 PM
Ticket Price
$10.00 / $14.00