On FB, an attendee says "The crowd booed Jerry for not doing an encore." And thanks for Neil Chartier for helping us revise our listing to show Tangled Up as the last song of the second set, rather than as an encore.
ref: Janusonis 1984: Promoter Frank Russo told the booking agent for the venue that Garcia was a country-western act, not a rock and roll act. The venue had a no R&R policy. She tried to get the concert canceled by court order, to no avail.
expost: "Four drug arrests made during concert in Providence," Providence Journal, November 30, 1983, p. C3. Detectives from the very "War On Drugs"-sounding Special Operations Group effectuated the busts.
High: 51.2 °F
Low: 42.2 °F
Feels Like High: 51.2 °F
Feels Like Low: 35.3 °F
Wind Speed: 16.1 mph
Humidity: 82.7 %
Moonphase: 0.83
Precipitation: 0.555 in. (rain)
Partly cloudy throughout the day with a chance of rain throughout the day.