Rob Bleetstein: "there was quite a scene out front of the venue as there's a big open area. But it didn't take long as the show got closer for the weirdness to set in as word was getting around that someone had phoned in a death threat to Garcia. In all f'in places, of all f'in times! This certainly cast a strange pall over the entire gathering and when he hit the stage, you could see Jerry almost would rather be anywhere else. If my cassette collection was still easily accessible I could probably reach for it and put it on and tell you about it musically, but that's not easily done currently, so all I remember was the weird vibe."
Attendee Larry Stein: "I went to the Fairfax show. I don't recall much about it musically. What I do recall is the heavy cop presence in the venue. The cops were taking folks away for smoking pot. I saw that happen before we even had a chance to light up. Needless to say, we didn't throughout the entire show. We felt it was so weird to have this happen in west Marin."
High: 66.8 °F
Low: 56.9 °F
Feels Like High: 66.8 °F
Feels Like Low: 56.9 °F
Wind Speed: 17.2 mph
Humidity: 82.7 %
Moonphase: 0.75
Partly cloudy throughout the day.