This is not by any means 100% certain. We had thought there might have been a Salinas gig this night, but no. The Chron listed this gig, which would have been the first night out for Liz and Essra. It seems likely that, if the gig happened, Phil Lesh would have played bass, also to warmup for the bigger gigs the next two nights. Note that a band schedule called for three nights of practice June 22-24, but it's totally possible that they practiced two nights and then took it out to the club. Of course, it's also possible that they stayed at Front Street and didn't play Palo Alto, or that none of the above happened.
listing: San Francisco Chronicle, June 24, 1981, p. 50
High: 83.9 °F
Low: 53.0 °F
Feels Like High: 83.2 °F
Feels Like Low: 53.0 °F
Wind Speed: 16.1 mph
Humidity: 59.5 %
Moonphase: 0.75
Clear conditions throughout the day.