"Struggling Man" and "Do I Move You" from historical lists, which also included "It Ain't No Use". Historical lists also identify Pee Wee Ellis, B.B. King's sax player, sitting in. He is not present on LTR or IANU, which were the last two songs of the show. For now we list him on "Do I Move You", but this is not verified. The Berkeley Gazette listing bills this as an Easter party.
Fragment of set two we list here is from uncirculated tape.
The Reconstruction deal was for the band to get 100% of the door, rather than a fixed guarantee ($750 at this point), which was mostly done for tax purposes, anyway.
ad: San Francisco Sunday Examiner and Chronicle Datebook, April 1, 1979, p. 14, billing "Reconstruction: John Kahn, Merle [sic] Saunders, Jerry Garcia"
listing: Berkeley Gazette, April 13, 1979, Weekend Vistas section, p. 2