1979-03-07 [Wed]

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Jerry Garcia - electric guitar, vocals
John Kahn - electric bass
Merl Saunders - keyboards, synthesizers, vocals
Ron Stallings - saxophone, vocals
Gaylord Birch - drums, vocals
Ed Neumeister - trombone
  • Reconstruction's deal was typically just to get the door, and so it was this night in Nicasio.
  • listing: [silent] Argus-Courier (Petaluma, CA), March 2, 1979, p. 5B; had listings for nights before and after, but not this night.
  • ad: San Francisco Sunday Examiner and Chronicle Datebook, March 4, 1979, p. 49, w/ JG as guest guitarist.
  • Sources
    High: 71.0 °F
    Low: 52.1 °F
    Feels Like High: 71.0 °F
    Feels Like Low: 52.1 °F
    Wind Speed: 13.9 mph
    Humidity: 85.0 %
    Moonphase: 0.3
    Partly cloudy throughout the day.
    8:30 PM
    Ticket Price