Jerry Garcia
- electric guitar, vocals
John Kahn
- electric bass
Merl Saunders
- keyboards, synthesizers, vocals
Ron Stallings
- saxophone, vocals
Gaylord Birch
- drums, vocals
Ed Neumeister
- trombone
It's not clear where this listing comes from. The pink section ad (p. 5) and listing (p. 14) from 2/18/79 didn't show anything at Keystone Berkeley for this Tuesday night.
Torrents for Date
High: 53.0 °F
Low: 50.1 °F
Feels Like High: 53.0 °F
Feels Like Low: 50.1 °F
Wind Speed: 25.3 mph
Humidity: 82.1 %
Moonphase: 0.8
Precipitation: 0.748 in. (rain)
Partly cloudy throughout the day with rain.