1975-11-21 [Fri]

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Jerry Garcia - electric guitar, vocals
John Kahn - electric bass
Nicky Hopkins - piano, vocals
Ron Tutt - drums, vocals
  • Sue: $6500 guarantee plus $1500 lights/sound plus 60% gross over $24,000 on GP of $26,616.
  • listing: Chicago Tribune Arts & Fun, November 16, 1975, section 6, p. 19
  • review: [negative] Olzak 1975: "if this bunch were hitting the circuit as unknowns today, they might have a hard go of it ... loose, echoey style that recalled the Dead”. “It’s nothing special at all, really. Yet though the band is unrecorded, the Auditorium was nearly sold out. Such is the drawing power of a star.”
  • review: [positive] Sowa and Michon 1975
  • Historical
  • Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" goes to number one in the U.K., where it remains for five weeks of 1975 and four weeks of 1976.
  • Torrents for Date
    High: 38.0 °F
    Low: 33.2 °F
    Feels Like High: 30.5 °F
    Feels Like Low: 22.7 °F
    Wind Speed: 18.3 mph
    Humidity: 78.3 %
    Moonphase: 0.6
    Precipitation: 0.048 in. (rain, snow)
    Cloudy skies throughout the day with rain or snow clearing later.
    7:30 PM
    Ticket Price
    $5.00 / $7.00
    In Attendance