1975-04-04 [Fri]

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Jerry Garcia - electric guitar, vocals
Merl Saunders - keyboards, vocals
John Kahn - electric bass
Martin Fierro - saxophone, flute
Ron Tutt - drums
[1] First known performance (by LOM) last known performance on 1973-06-05 by OAITW
[2] First known performance
  • Sue: $7,500 flat guarantee, plus $1,250 (to LOM) for lights and sound.
  • JGMF: The April 1975 Legion of Mary Tour
  • Historical
  • Bill Gates and Paul Allen form a company at this time called Micro Soft in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to develop and sell BASIC interpreter software for the Altair 8800.
  • Torrents for Date
    High: 38.0 °F
    Low: 29.0 °F
    Feels Like High: 25.5 °F
    Feels Like Low: 12.9 °F
    Wind Speed: 39.1 mph
    Humidity: 44.0 %
    Moonphase: 0.77
    Partly cloudy throughout the day.
    8:00 PM