1974-10-12 [Sat]

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Maria Muldaur - vocals
Merl Saunders - keyboards, vocals
John Kahn - electric bass
Martin Fierro - saxophone, flute
Paul Humphrey - drums
Guest Musicians
Jerry Garcia - electric guitar, vocals

Dharma Festival
Also Appearing
Great American String Band and David Nichtern & the Nocturnes
  • The Nocturnes included Hank DeVito on steel, Larry Jones on bass, and Claude Pepper on drums. Nicolette Larson sang some and Maria sat in with them. "She next sang and played violin" with GAMB. That included Richard Greene, David Grisman, Ellen Kearney (rhythm guitar, vocals), John Carlini (guitar), Joe Carroll. Fierro sat in with GAMB for a tune! Third group was Maria's backing band: Merl Saunders, Paul Humphrey, John Kahn, Jerry Garcia, Martin Fierro. The setlist is unordered.
  • Final event of the Dharma Festival. Benefit for Padma Jong, a center for the performing arts on the Eel River
  • listings: "Weekend Sounds Around the Bay Area," San Francisco Chronicle, October 11, 1974, p. 50 | Staska and Mangrum 19741011
  • preview: "Maria Muldaur to Sing in Berkeley Tomorrow," Marin Independent Journal, October 11, 1974, p. 19
  • reviews: Wikarska 1974 | Elwood 19741014
  • Roberto Rabanne proof sheet at gdao
  • JGMF: Walkin' One and Only: JGMS backing Maria Muldaur, BCT, October 12, 1974
  • Historical
  • President Nixon nominates House Majority Leader Gerald R. Ford as the successor to Vice President Spiro T. Agnew.
  • Torrents for Date
    High: 80.0 °F
    Low: 62.0 °F
    Feels Like High: 80.0 °F
    Feels Like Low: 62.0 °F
    Wind Speed: 14.8 mph
    Humidity: 49.8 %
    Moonphase: 0.9
    Clear conditions throughout the day.
    8:30 PM
    Ticket Price
    $4.50 / $6.50