1974-04-24 [Wed] studio

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Jerry Garcia
Songs By Album
From the Mars Hotel: 3
Gap Analysis not calculated for this event
Name Notes Lead Vocals Album Last Next
Pride Of Cucamonga From the Mars Hotel
Unbroken Chain From the Mars Hotel
China Doll Jerry Garcia From the Mars Hotel
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  • Ref: Grateful Dead Archive, MS332, Ser. 2: Business, Second Accrual (preliminary), Box 1018, folder 4: [Garcia-General]. Special Collections, UC Santa Cruz.
  • Jerry electric guitar overdub on Pride of Cucamonga noted on tracking sheet 4/1/74
  • Session Data Sheet dated 4/24/74 shows overdubs for the listed songs, detailed below.
  • Pride of Cucamonga: Keith organ and piano, Jerry guitar
  • Unbroken Chain: Keith organ
  • China Doll: background vocal by Bob, Donna, Phil and Jerry. "Jerry lead over last part." Keith - harmonium. Jerry - electric guitar
  • "Test other tracks of [Pride and Unbroken] against organ for tuning"
  • China Doll - "rough mix"
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