[1] With Boz Scaggs on organ and vocals [2] Bill Graham announces Garcia and Boz Scaggs (on organ!?) before [3] Bill Graham announces Kreutzmann afterward
Songs in Set 2 without Garcia present listed in gray.
As per Nick: Set 3 is just Save My Life and the Blues Instrumental. At the end, Graham introduces "Rich, Les Dudek, Floyd, and Jaimoe." I don't know who Rich or Floyd are (I am sure Rich is not Richard Dickey Betts), but the instrumentation is two guitars, bass, drums, and then a piano joins during the Blues Instrumental (Chuck Leavell I assume). Garcia is definitely not playing on these two songs. At the end, Graham announces a couple is getting married onstage and that the Allmans are coming back to close out the show (Set 4)
In the 10/19/73 KG column, they say, looking ahead, "An [sic] great New Year's Eve Show Bill Graham has planned with the Greatful [sic] Dead and the AlIman Brothers. More on that later." So it seems like it was planned as a joint show, at least early on.
Tom Donahue interviewed Garcia on air between sets.
review: Harlow 1974.
ref: Staska and Mangrum 19731019;
Brothers Malcolm and Angus Young perform under the name AC/DC at the former Sydney nightclub 'Chequers' for their New Year's Eve party.