We are attaching to this date a setlist from uncirculated tape labeled "New Monk Feb ? /1972". There were only two New Monk shows in the month, and we pin it here as a placeholder. The source tape box bears handwriting that we don't recognize - it's neither Betty nor Rex.
listing: San Francisco Examiner, February 18, 1972, p. 30, billing "Jerry Garcia, Merl Saunders, with Armando Peraza and friends"
Paul McCartney's single "Give Ireland Back to the Irish" (inspired by the "Bloody Sunday" massacre in Ireland on January 30, 1972) is banned by the BBC. The controversy caused by the banning only increases the song's popularity and it ends up in the Top 20 in England.
Sammy Davis, Jr. makes a guest appearance on the television show All in the Family.
Torrents for Date
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