1972-02-03 [Thu]

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Jerry Garcia - electric guitar, vocals
Merl Saunders - keyboards
John Kahn - bass
Bill Vitt - drums
  • The 3rd and 4th were listed in Deadbase, but news listings show an escape artist named Geoffrey. Whether the shows on the 3rd and 4th happened at the Keystone, the Lion's Share or not at all is in some doubt. See lostlivedead: February 5, 1972 Keystone Korner, San Francisco: Jerry Garcia/Merl Saunders for a little discussion.
  • listings: [silent] Hayward Daily Review, February 3, 1972, p. 32 | San Francisco Chronicle, February 4, 1972, p. 41
  • On early '72 JGMS band membership, see the note for 1/6/72.
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