Date not certain [placeholder]. In comment at JGMF, LIA references a correspondent who recalls "I once saw Garcia play pedal steel with The Rowan Brothers at The Keystone Korner in North Beach (1970 or early '71) and while he was tuning his pedal steel someone played "Teach Your Children" on the jukebox and he tuned his pedal guitar to his pedal guitar solo on the record. It was pretty funny."
listing: Berkeley Barb, June 4-10, 1971, p. 8;
listing: "'Zorba, Teach Me to Dance'," San Francisco Chronicle, June 11, 1971, p. 47.
Torrents for Date
High: 62.9 °F
Low: 52.1 °F
Feels Like High: 62.9 °F
Feels Like Low: 52.1 °F
Wind Speed: 17.2 mph
Humidity: 71.9 %
Moonphase: 0.64
Partly cloudy throughout the day.