1970-10-30 [Fri] Late

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John Dawson - acoustic guitar, vocals
Jerry Garcia - pedal steel guitar
Mickey Hart - drums
David Torbert - electric bass
David Nelson - electric guitar
Also Appearing
Grateful Dead
  • Jim Morrison of The Doors, found guilty of indecent exposure and profanity because of his behavior during a March 1, 1969, concert, is sentenced to eight months of hard labor and a $500 fine.
  • Torrents for Date
    High: 55.1 °F
    Low: 39.8 °F
    Feels Like High: 55.1 °F
    Feels Like Low: 32.4 °F
    Wind Speed: 15.0 mph
    Humidity: 65.9 %
    Moonphase: 0.0
    Partly cloudy throughout the day.
    11:59 PM