1970-07-30 [Thu]

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John Dawson - acoustic guitar, vocals
Jerry Garcia - pedal steel guitar
Mickey Hart - drums
David Torbert - electric bass
David Nelson - electric guitar
Also Appearing
Grateful Dead
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  • Listing: "Datebook/Opening Today," San Francisco Chronicle, July 30, 1970, p. 41;
  • The Dead played opening acoustic sets for the headlining New Riders.
  • Listings: [deprecated] Berkeley Tribe v3 n3 (no 55) (July 24-31, 1970), p. 28; [updated] "George," Berkeley Tribe v3 n4 (no 56) (July 31 - August 7, 1970), p. 28
  • Preview: "'Purple Sage’ At Lion’s Share," San Francisco Chronicle, July 30, 1970, p. 41
  • JGMF: New Riders of the Purple Sage and Acoustic Grateful Dead Lion’s Share, San Anselmo, July 30-August 1, 1970
  • Torrents for Date
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