1970-03-23 [Mon]

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Jerry Garcia - electric guitar (lead), vocals
Bob Weir - electric guitar (rhythm), vocals
Phil Lesh - electric bass, vocals
Ron McKernan - organ, vocals
Bill Kreutzmann - drums, perc
Mickey Hart - drums, perc
Also Appearing
New Society Band
  • Attendee remembers Morning Dew, Dark Star, and Lovelight, and so it would appear that the tape we have is from the second night of the two, 3/23/70.
  • deadessays: Deadbase Corrections
  • archive thread: Guide To The Feelin' Groovy Jam
  • The Dead Vault apparently has tape dating one of these shows to 3/24/70, which circulates among collectors. But they took place the 22nd and 23rd. One of the reviews at Deadsources explicitly places the Dead on Sunday and Monday nights. Pete Lavezzoli has found some eyewitnesses to confirm, and one of them who attended both shows says the GD shows were on the Sunday night, i.e., 3/22/70.
  • lostlivedead: Grateful Dead/Jerry Garcia Tour Itinerary March 1970
  • lostlivedead: March 24, 1970, Pirate's World, Dania, FL (Truckin')
  • deadsources: March 22-23, 1970: Pirate's World, Dania, Florida
  • Mislabeled As
    Torrents for Date
    High: 72.2 °F
    Low: 58.4 °F
    Feels Like High: 72.2 °F
    Feels Like Low: 58.4 °F
    Wind Speed: 13.9 mph
    Humidity: 64.1 %
    Moonphase: 0.52
    Partly cloudy throughout the day.
    Show Certainty
    Setlist Certainty
    8:00 PM
    Ticket Price
    $4.00 / $5.00