1969-08-22 [Fri]

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John Dawson - acoustic guitar, vocals
Jerry Garcia - pedal steel guitar
Mickey Hart - drums
Bob Matthews - bass
David Nelson - electric guitar
Bullfrog 2 Festival
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  • Old info: "An eyewitness, in a letter written 25 years later to an Oregon newspaper, reports that the New Riders and Country Joe McDonald may have played also."
  • Account by Suzie L on dead.net entry for the show "Also playing at this festival were Taj Mahal and a pre celebrity New Riders of the Purple Sage. My information comes from an old handbill and my husband's memory, he was the bass player for Sand, at that time."
  • Hooterollin: New Riders of The Purple Sage Tour History May 1969>April 1970 (NRPS Itinerary I) (runonguinness comment) An attendee reports that the New Riders played Bullfrog 2 on Friday 1969-08-22 and the Dead on Saturday 1969-08-23.
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