1969-08-20 [Wed] canceled

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Jerry Garcia
Mickey Hart
Cancel Reason
Rained out
Also Appearing
New Riders of the Purple Sage and Sanpaku
  • cxl; rained out, rescheduled to (and played) the next day. In the meantime, the guys went down and played a biker bar in Ballard, the El Roach.
  • lostlivedead: August 20, 1969 El Roach, Ballard, WA (updated)
  • lostlivedead: August 20, 1969 unnnamed bar, West 15th Street, Seattle, WA Grateful Dead
  • expost: Carole Beers, "Ungrateful Clamor Didn't Rouse the Dead," Seattle Times, August 21, 1969, p. illegible;
  • ad: Seattle Helix vol. 9 no. 3 (ca. August 19, 1969);
  • Time
    6:00 PM
    Ticket Price