timings by C. Callaghan based on shnid 115682
Notes [track length]:
1. // Schoolgirl > [06:31]
2. Feedback [00:36]
3. Banter [03:44]
Jerry "This thing is...is coming to life! Coming to life!"
Bobby "Welcome to Disney Land."
Jerry "Do these things work?"
Phil? "Don't trust 'em."
Bobby "What's happenin'? What's happenin'?"
Jerry "You can't...you can't sing anything if the microphones don't work. How can we? That would be easy if we could just..."
Bobby "What's happenin'? Ok, ok. Why don't we, why don't we play musical chairs?"
Jerry (laughing) "Everybody up!"
Pigen? "Hooot!"
? "And being(?)..."
Jerry "Hellloooo. Hello."
Bobby? "Whooot!"
Pigpen "Microphones!"
Bobby "What's happening?"
Jerry "Testing. Oh, oh they're almost coming...they're almost gonna work."
? "They stink."
Jerry "Shall we try it? OK."
Bobby "Wait a minute wait a minute I'd really like to have some mic...microphones for this song."
Jerry "I'd really like to...like to...to get this....ZAP! Jangle."
Bobby "Cream Puff War?"
Jerry "The 1st shock is free."
? (off mic) "You wanna play Dark Star?"
Jerry "Oh yeah this is our intro. Sorry."
? "Ooops! Hooops."
Jerry "1, 2, 3, 4..."
4. St. Stephen > [03:41]
5. William Tell Bridge > [01:03]
6. The Eleven \\ [03:21] sounds like song cuts pre-verse and picks up during next song, therefore segue cannot be determined; label remains "The Eleven" and not "The Eleven Jam"
7. / Drums [25:40] uncertain if beginning of track is cut, but likley is; includes drummer vocals "dah dah dah dah dah dah dut tuh dut duh dut..."
8. Banter [01:14]
? (off mic) "...thery shut us off again. The mics are dead..."