Timings by C. Callaghan based on shnid 108995
Notes [track length]:
1. / Love \\ Light [05:31] recording start pre-verse and cuts again @ 00:22 mark during verse 1; recording picks up again during improved rap section
2. Banter [01:10] Bobby "...six legs..." plus other unintelligible
3. BIODTL [02:30] 7 beats; Jerry "Thank you." Bobby "Thank you."
4. Banter [01:44]
Jerry "Anybody got anything uhh they'd like to hear?"
Audience: "Morning Dew!"
Jerry "Morning Dew. Suzie Q? (laughs) Far out."
Audience: "Cold Rain & Snow!"
(Phil plays Good Lovin' riff)
Jerry "I don't know. Arghhh. Well...soon (?) we gotta do all those things... (?)"
Bobby "What's the matter (?)? Ain'tcha been watching the news?"
Jerry "Uhhh. OK. Wha....OK. One time man one time we're gonna listen very carefully. We're gonna count to 3 and then everybody holler what they want to hear and whichever one we're able to pick out amongst the confusion....amidst the confusion..., that's the one we'll play. Maybe."
Audience laughs
Bobby "OK."
? and Bobby "1.2.3"
Audience: "unintelligible...Cold Rain & Snow!...Schoolgirl!...Cold Rain & Snow!...Mother McCree!...Cold Rain & Snow!"
Jerry "Yeah OK let's do that. That'd be a trip."
Bobby "Work it out."
Jerry "Do you remember this one?"
5. Dancing In The Street [08:31] recording levels adjusted @ 02:17 mark
6. // Caution > [06:04] cuts in during "All you need" back & forth segment
7. Feedback > [04:41]
8. AWBYG [01:26]