timings by C. Callaghan basd on Dick's Picks Vol. 22 release
Notes [track length]:
1. Morning Dew [08:10]
2. Schoolgirl [14:40] includes Banter Pigpen? "Thank you."
3. Cryptical >
4. The Other One >
5. Cryptical > 00:04 transition to NPC
(tracks 3 - 5 labeled as "That's It For The Other One" [08:13] on Dick's Picks release)
6. New Potato Caboose [09:08] track includes Banter Phil "If? Bill (mumbles) just come back up on the stage and play some more music with us. I promise never to say anything nasty about you again."
7. Alligator > [03:45]
8. China Cat > [04:14] transition jam starts @ 03:39; hints of The Eleven @ 03:57
9. The Eleven > [07:17] transition jam starts @ 05:51
10. Drums >
11. Alligator > includes And We Bid You Goodnight theme from 05:08 - 05:42
(tracks 10 and 11 labeled "Alligator" [06:39] on Dick's Picks release)
12. Caution > [11:49] transition to Feedback starts @ 11:44
13. Feedback [04:55]