1967-09-16 [Sat]

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Jerry Garcia - electric guitar (lead), vocals
Bob Weir - electric guitar (rhythm), vocals
Phil Lesh - electric bass, vocals
Ron McKernan - organ, vocals
Bill Kreutzmann - drums, perc
Also Appearing
Jefferson Airplane
  • Not in deadlists. LIA: "September 16, 1967 free concert in Griffith Park in Los Angeles - the two bands were in town, had the day free, and decided what the heck, let's have a free afternoon show in a park." LIA later corrects to Elysian Park. Corry has two posts, the latter of which casts more doubt on this date.
  • LIA: November 24, 1968: Jam with Jefferson Airplane, Grande Ballroom, Detroit, MI (POSSIBLE) (comment)
  • Deadessays: Deadbase Corrections
  • Lostlivedead: September 16, 1967 Convention Center Rotunda, Las Vegas, NV Grateful Dead (speculation)
  • Hooterollin: Grateful Dead Performance List July-December 1967
  • Deadessays: 1967 Show List
  • Torrents for Date