timings by C. Callaghan based on shnid 150269 & *149985
[track length]
^ = off mic
& = indecipherable
/ or \ = clipped before or after midpoint
// or \\ = cut before or after midpoint
*shnid 149985
1. Banter [00:34] Weir mic test
2. Minglewood [03:51] song starts @ 00:02
3. Banter [02:06] Jerry "Welcome to another evening of confusion & high frequency stimulation. And uhhh sucrets. Cold beer on tap. Lurid nightclub atmosphere. And beatnicks..." (more)
4. Betty & Dupree [05:13]
5. Next Time You See Me [03:51]
6. Banter [01:35] Phil requests Coca-Cola & "This is a famous old folk song."
7. I Know You Rider [04:10]
8. Tuning [00:34]
9. Big Boss Man [04:07] song starts @ 00:02
10. One Kind Favor [05:41] song starts @ 00:03
11. Banter [00:43] Phil explains (and spells) the name of the next song.
12. Alice D. Millionaire [03:00] song starts @ 00:02
13. Me & My Uncle (take 1) [01:48]
14. Banter [00:14] explanation for aborting song..."We can't agree..."
15. Me & My Uncle (take 2) [03:21]
16. Banter [00:55] Jerry "We'll do that a little later. We'd like to ride this set home." Phil "Chase!" Jerry "...chase it home with a song called Cream Puff War...we hope."
17. Cream Puff War [09:46]
18. / You Don't Love Me [04:24] beginning clipped before 1st verse
19. Banter [00:40] Jerry "We'd like to do an old time song...that they call..." (Band debates number of beats) Pigpen "I hate 7." Jerry "I Got Them Old 7 Is A Lousy Number Blues."
20. BIODTL [02:40] 7 beats plus 2 more from Pigpen
21. It Hurts Me Too [05:09] song starts @ 00:02
22. On The Road Again [02:32]
23. Banter [00:16] Jerry "We'd like to have a friend of ours come up & sing a song or 2."
24. / Look On Yonder Wall [04:28] beginning clipped; sung as "Look Over Yonders Wall"
25. It's My Own Fault [07:25]
26. Down So Long [03:51] song starts @ 00:06
27. Banter [00:21] Jerry "...song called Cold Rain & Snow."
28. Cold Rain & Snow [03:09]
29. Viola Lee Blues [15:21]
30. Banter [00:25] Jerry mumbling..."We'd like to start off this set with a song called Deep Elem Blues."
31. Deep Elem Blues [05:02] song starts @ 00:02
32. There's Something On Your Mind [05:11]
33. Banter [01:57] track is mostly tuning then Weir & Jerry intorduce next song
34. Big Boy Pete [03:03]
35. Tuning [00:29]
36. Death Don't Have No Mercy [09:44] song starts @ 00:06
37. Banter [00:07] Phil "Blockbuster of the evening."
38. The Lindy [02:58] song starts @ 00:02
39. Dancing In The Street [11:16] song starts @ 00:07
40. Me & My Uncle (take 3) [04:27]
41. vaudeville finale [00:40] song starts @ 00:05...possible splice at 00:05 perhaps indicating missing song(s) or out of order; prior to song starting Jerry "Time to go."