1966-05-19 [Thu]

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Jerry Garcia - electric guitar (lead), vocals
Bob Weir - electric guitar (rhythm), vocals
Phil Lesh - electric bass, vocals
Ron McKernan - organ, vocals
Bill Kreutzmann - drums, perc
[1] First known performance
[2] Jerry calls this song "Unsingable Blues"
[3] Final known performance (by GD) next known performance on 1972-06-30 by JGMS
[4] First known performance (by GD) last known performance on 1962-12-01 by Hart Valley Drifters
[5] a brief Teddy Bear's Picnic (instrumental) opened the set
Straight Theater Benefit, "A Reading and Dance Concert"
Also Appearing
Wildflower, Michael McClure, The Outfit, Black Arts West, and Ed Bullins
  • The Vault reels of this show are labeled 2/23/66 and 3/12/66.
  • deadessays: The 1966 Mystery Reels (Guest Post)
  • Torrents for Date
    Show Certainty
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    8:30 PM
    Ticket Price