1966-03-19 [Sat] canceled

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Jerry Garcia
Bill Kreutzmann
Bob Weir
Phil Lesh
Ron McKernan
Also Appearing
Tiny Tim, Merry Pranksters, Paul Butterfield, movies, stroboscopic lights, Electric Kool-Aid, Neal Cassady, Thunder Machine, Roy's Audioptics, the Electric Man, and Psychedelic Symphonette
  • Daily Bruin preview: "Barring the apocalypse, GSA ASUCLA, will allow the Merry Pranksters of Intrepid Trips, Inc. to let loose their version of interpersonal nuclear fission. The Acid Test, from 8 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. March 19 in The Student Union Grand Ballroom. What is The Acid Test? Well, it is a sort of a happening, a very total happening. There is no audience, no group of performers; everyone comes and the thing happens. There is music — The Grateful Dead will play genuine rock-'n-roll for dancing. But anyone can play music — there will be mikes and amplifiers available — and any person or group is urged to bring their equipment. There will be movies, three or four at a time, of the Pranksters and others doing whatever they do. But anyone can bring their own films and/or equipment. There will be people in strange clothes; come as you will. There will be strange lights, strobes and color wheels; bring more if need be. There will be Neal Cassady of On The Road doing battle with the fabled Thunder Machine, Roy's Audioptics, the Electric Man, the Psychedelic Symphonette, assorted miracles and marvels, more noise and yet more music. Tickets ($1.50 for students) are on sale at the Kerckhoff Hall Ticket Office or can be purchased at the door." Google Daily Bruin Print Archive. The preview thus gives billing as Neal Cassady / Thunder Machine / Roy's Audioptics / The Electric Man / Psychedelic Symphonette. The ad bills GD / Tiny Tim / Merry Pranksters / Paul Butterfield / movies / stroboscopic lights / Electric Kool-Aid. I usually follow the lex posteriori rule of construction, but I'll concatenate them because, really, it's an Acid Test, and who really knows? There's a crawl at the bottom of the ad reading "Sneak Preview - Thursday 3 PM - Ballroom".
  • preview: “Acid Test to Happen Here,” Daily Bruin, March 11, 1966, p. 14;
  • ad: Daily Bruin, March 16, 1966, p. 2;
  • JGMF: UCLA Acid Test (CXL)
  • Time
    8:00 PM
    Ticket Price