timings by C. Callaghan based on shnid 81254
[track length]
^ = off mic
& = indecipherable
/ or \ = clipped before or after midpoint
// or \\ = cut before or after midpoint
1. You Don't Have To Ask \\ [02:00]
recording starts cut well into song during closing "You don't have to ask" repeat lines
01:59-02:00 dead air
2. Banter \ [00:32]
Phil "We'll be back shortly. Shortly? Hey! Whoot! No wonder! Hey Owsley, you turned these microphones down."
Bear &
Phil "Can't hear it as well as (we?) did before."
Bear &
Phil "Anyway, uh we're gonna move to LA next week, but in the meantime we might be back a little later after the Loading Zone plays another set. And look for our record on the "Total Oblivion' or 'Utter Insanity' label."
?^ "______________. (Move to?) LA? That's too bad."
@ 00:31 clipped
last 00:05 added to next track
3. Banter [00:27]
includes 00:05 from previous track
Bobby "Ah yes. It's so nice to be here tonight."
Phil? "Tasting. Tasting."
Bobby "A benefit for that fine upstanding organization, the Viet Cong, sending them arms and supplies and uh...spritual uh guidance."
4. Viola Lee Blues [06:14]
00:00-00:01 Phil counts in
song starts @00:02
song ends @ 06:04
@ 06:05-06:07Jerry signals Rider
@ 06:08
Phil^ "Two."
Bobby^ "Two?"
Phil^ "Let 'em throw us out there."
Jerry^ &
Phil^ "Let 'em throw us out."
5. I Know You Rider [02:46]
@ 02:33
Bobby?^ "Midnight Hour?"
Jerry?^ "That's it."
Phil^ "Midnight Hour."
Jerry?^ "Ok. This'll be the last one."
@ 02:36-02:46 warm-up
6. In The Midnight Hour [0:51]
@ 00:00
? "Ha."
@ 00:45 stage power is cut during verse 2 line 1 "...stars come out"
00:01 added to this track from next track
7. Banter \ [00:31]
00:01 removed and added to previous track; track cut at end
Jerry^ "Shut us off..."
Jerry "Shut us off again."
Bobby "Well ummm..."
Jerry "That's what happens..."
Bobby "...the story of our lives..."
Jerry "______________ play."
Bobby "...you uh play somewhere and somebody turns you off..."
Jerry "Shut us off again."
Bobby "...(so ummm?)."
? &
? "Goodnight Ladies and Gentlemen and you too, you pricks."
? "Let's give a big hand for the Grateful Dead. One of the best bands I've heard in a long time."
Bobby "Don't forget don't forget don't forget that uh next Saturday night, this coming Saturday night, if you happen to be in Los Angeles..."